Yeah yeah yeah yeah - The aFREAKa Film is here

Posted on November 05, 2014 by Ole Ohm

We made a film, an aFREAKa film...

In May 2014 our friend Ole Zapatka came down from Hamburg, Germany to Cape Town with this awesome idea... to bring more action into our lives. He had packed some of his filming gear and for a whole week he pushed us and our friends and film participants to shoot some great footage.

Some weeks later, with help of his friends Klangkanzlei, Harvest and weareflink the film was finalized. With The Cape Wheel or Table Mountain in the background, with music from Mr. Sakitumi, with appearances of our beautiful friend Aamz, our talented friends The Kiffness, Mr. Grimehouse himself and all the others that helped out we can only say - THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

And here it is - enjoy:


Posted in aamz, afreaka, animal onesies, film, grimehouse, movie, mrsakitumi, olezapatka, onesie south africa, onesiefilm, onesiemovie, onesies, rocking the daisies, the kiffness



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