
We've been on the Expresso Morning Show

Posted on June 15, 2017 by Ole Ohm

Are you waking up early and regularly watch the Expresso Morning Show on SABC3? Well, then you have most probably seen us and our onesies ;-)

But in case you did not as you like to sleep in and or do not watch TV that much, you can check it out here!


Posted in cape town, expresso, onesie south africa, Onesies, onsie, south africa, tv, winter

Nelisa the Leopard

Posted on October 20, 2015 by Ole Ohm

We have another important announcement to make: She is alive... :-)

Our friends Richard aka Ninjabreadboy and Mike Scott designed and animated a new member of the aFREAKa family.

Please welcome Lefisa the Leopard.

Lots of new Nelisa products are coming soon, so watch this space!

Posted in big5, cape town, jumpsuit, leopard, onepiece, onesie south africa, Onesies, onsie, overall, south africa, winter, winteriscoming

Frank the Elephant

Posted on October 12, 2015 by Ole Ohm

We have an important announcement to make: He is alive...

Our friends Richard aka Ninjabreadboy and Mike Scott designed and animated a new member of the aFREAKa family.

Please welcome Frank the Elephant.

Lots of new Frank products are coming soon, so watch this space!

Posted in aFREAKa Clothing, animated, animation, big5, cape town, Custom, elephant, jumpsuit, onepiece, onesie south africa, Onesies, onsie, overall, south africa, winter, winteriscoming

Yeah yeah yeah yeah - The aFREAKa Film is here

Posted on November 05, 2014 by Ole Ohm

We made a film, an aFREAKa film...

In May 2014 our friend Ole Zapatka came down from Hamburg, Germany to Cape Town with this awesome idea... to bring more action into our lives. He had packed some of his filming gear and for a whole week he pushed us and our friends and film participants to shoot some great footage.

Some weeks later, with help of his friends Klangkanzlei, Harvest and weareflink the film was finalized. With The Cape Wheel or Table Mountain in the background, with music from Mr. Sakitumi, with appearances of our beautiful friend Aamz, our talented friends The Kiffness, Mr. Grimehouse himself and all the others that helped out we can only say - THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

And here it is - enjoy:


Posted in aamz, afreaka, animal onesies, film, grimehouse, movie, mrsakitumi, olezapatka, onesie south africa, onesiefilm, onesiemovie, onesies, rocking the daisies, the kiffness

Rocking the Onesies at Rocking the Daisies

Posted on October 15, 2013 by Ole Ohm

Wow, what a great festival it was! 

Seed Experiences did it again and rocked their annual Rocking the Daisies festival on a different level! Much respect, much love and thank you very much for having us again this year!

But, who would have guessed that the actual name of the festival should have been re-branded?

ROCKING THE ONESIES would have worked as good this year. From the moment aFREAKa opened their stall at 12pm on Friday, 4th of October, you guys came, said howzit, got yourself a onesie and conquered the event! 

But not only that, aFREAKa is now out there and our little logo, the Freak, gets its recognition as we always wanted it to be!

We had the two amazing guys of The Kiffness, kitted out with custom made Inyes, as well as the one and only Mr. Jack Parow entering the Red Bull stage in his brand new aFREAKa tiger onesie!

Both acts were putting down an awesome performance!

And if you did not see our stand, we are finally going to add our aFREAKa caps, t-shirts, hoodies and jerseys to our online shop soon! Watch this space...

Posted in aFREAKa, animal onesies, INYE, jack parow, onesies, red bull, rocking the daisies, rocking the onesies, seed experiences, the kiffness


Posted on July 30, 2013 by Ole Ohm

It has been an amazing couple of weeks for aFREAKa and the team, and we cannot say enough how much we appreciate the continued support and positive feedback we are getting!

Most recently aFREAKa set up shop at the Root 44 market in Stellenosch!Root 44 Market Even with the somewhat less-than-ideal weather we had an amazing time and the feedback we got was simply amazing!

We will be there again next weekend and every weekend until the end of August, so stop by and have a coffee with us, and have a look at our awesome onesies! Summer is still some time away, so no better time than now to get yourself one of our original onesies, made in South Africa.

Onesies at SKA

If this great development was not enough, our onesies can now also be seen at SKA Clothing on Long Street and Cavendish in Cape Town.

Ranging from our Animal Onesies to our INYE Onesies, everything can be bought at SKA Clothing.

We would really love to hear from you, so drop us an email and come see us on Saturdays and Sundays in Stellenbosch!


Posted in aFREAKa, animal onesies, INYE, onesie south africa, onesies, online store, Root 44, SKA, SKA Clothing

Launch of our Online Store

Posted on July 07, 2013 by Joachim Schuckmann

Welcome to aFREAKa's official Online Store!

the FREAK You are now one step closer to being part of the pack!

It has taken a little longer than expected, but after many weeks of hard freaking work we have done it! aFREAKa has an online store, making it even easier for our fans, old and new, to get hold of one of our amazing onesies and to see what new and exciting designs we come up with.

If you feel like unleashing your FREAK, or wearing one of our stylish INYE one-piece onesies, we have everything you need. From pink elephants, black & white pandas, flying squirrels or koala bears, to our smart INYE onesies. Everything is here. We also have cool aFREAKa t-shirts and caps, so please feel free to browse through our store, and if you have any questions give us a ring or send us a message or email. 

We will, of course, continue to be present at various festivals where you can also become one of the pack. In the near future we might also consider renting some out for music festivals, so watch this space!

For now, enjoy our online store and let us know what you think!

We love hearing from you! 

To stay up-to-date on new designs, special offers, competitions and aFREAKa events, subscribe to our newsletter, like us on Facebook or follow our blog.

Posted in aFREAKa, animal onesies, INYE, onesie south africa, onesies, online store

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